Post War Avant-garde Art '50-'70 Part II

We are auctioning 78 works from the collections of Mr. S, who since the 1950s took part in the Japanese avant-garde art movements, and for almost half a century has been an avid collector with a wide range of interests, and businessman Mr. F, whose collection centers on international modern art since the 1950s.
Minimum bidding price will not be listed on the web. Please contact us via e-mail for the list of works with their minimum bidding price. Printed list is also available on request. Please write us under, or call us.
We accept bids in person at the gallery, and via e-mail, fax, or mail.
Bidding deadline: Sat. 5th December 17:00 (local time)
♦ For bidding, please read the instructions below and contact us via email with the subject line "Bidding application", your name and your address. We will send back a list with the starting prices. For the conditions of the works, please feel free to contact us. Detailed images are provided upon request.
● Bidding method 1 / Email bidding to
Please write "Email bidding" in the subject line. In your message, please list clearly your name and address, lot number, artist's name, work's title, bidding price and receiving method (shipping or pick up).
● Bidding method 2 / Bid at the Gallery
We accept bidding in person at our gallery. We are happy to show you the works in person prior to bidding.
● Bidding method 3 / Bid via post / fax
Bidding by post or fax needs to be received by 12/6. For fax bidding, please keep in mind that the telephone circuit may be congested around 17:00 of December 6th, so please bid as early as possible. Please make sure to call us to confirm your bidding has been processed. Download the bidding form below and fill in all spaces.
Bidding form (PDF)
♦ To reduce risk, we rely on the "middle value method."
The bidder with the highest bid will receive the lot, but the price to be paid will be the average of the highest bid and the second highest bid. For example, if the highest and the second highest bid are JPY 200,000 and JPY 100,000, respectively, the final price will be JPY 150,000. In case there is only one bidder, the average of the bid and the initial price will be the final price.
♦ If the highest bid was offered by more than one bidder, the sucessful bidder will be chosen by lottery.
♦ If you choose a work to be shipped, shipping and packaging cost will be charged separately. There will be no extra charge for pick up at the gallery.
♦ We will contact you with the results of bidding regardless of whether a bid was successful or not.
Exhibiting artists: Masayoshi AIGASA, Setsu ASAKURA, Kiyoshi AWAZU, Tatsuo IKEDA, Masuo IKEDA, Kenji ITO, Genichiro INOKUMA, Kimio INOUE, Tokujiro IWANAKA, Kenzo OKADA, Kuniyoshi KANEKO, Yoko KAMOI, Hitoshi KARASAWA, Minoru KAWABATA, Shozo KITADAI, Koji KINUTANI, Akiko KOMON, Takashi SAITO, Shigejiro SANO, Shizu SHIMADA, Masaki SUEMATSU, Kishio SUGA, Tadashi SUGURO, Hiroshi SENJU, Tiger TATEISHI, Jiro TAKAMATSU, Noboru TAKAYAMA, Shinkichi TAJIRI, Kouichi TANIKAWA, Kojin TONEYAMA, Natsuyuki NAKANISHI, Yoshiko NOMA, Akira BABA, Yozo HAMAGUCHI, Shigeaki HAYAKAWA, Shizuo HARIU, Key HIRAGA, Shigeo FUKUDA, Shinichi MATSUZAKI, Kanemi MATSUZAKI, Yutaka MATSUZAWA, Eiichi MITSUI, Issei MIYAKE, Taizo YOSHINAKA, Aijiro WAKITA, Toyoshige WATANABE, Pierre ALECHINSKY, Mats GUSTAFSON, Victor KOULBAK, Roberto CRIPPA, John F. KAENIG, Jean COCTEAU, Pierre SOULAGES, Bernard CHILDS, Mark TOBEY, Yehuda NEIMAN, Balthus, Karen BARBOUR, Luis Feito, Jean-Michel FOLON, Lucio FONTANA, David HOCKNEY, Marino MARINI, Joan Miro, J. Messager, Piet MONDRIAN, Muhammad YUNUS, Robert RAUSCHENBERG, Susanne RODILLON, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, S.Hdliku
Inquiry Form